Register in Probate / Juvenile Court Clerk
The Ashland County Register in Probate is also the office of the Juvenile Court Clerk. The same person serves as Register in Probate, Probate Registrar, and Juvenile Court Clerk. This is a court appointed position. In addition to the Register in Probate, there is a part-time Deputy Register in Probate who is trained in all areas of the office.
This office handles the following case types: Probates, of which there are five different classifications, guardianships for minors or incompetents, conservatorships, emergency detentions for mental and alcohol/drug related causes, adoptions, termination of parental rights either voluntary or involuntary, juvenile delinquencies, and CHIPS or JIPS cases which are Children in Need of Protection or Services or Juveniles in Need of Protection or Services. Obviously, there is a lot of variety in this office. Files for these case types are kept in the Register’s office and the Register goes into court to clerk for the Judge. Probates and adoption cases are kept forever. Probate files are open records and are often researched by individuals doing genealogy. Adoption records are closed files and allowed to be opened only by court order. The Register in Probate/Juvenile Court Clerk works closely with the Judge, Clerk of Court office, District Attorney, Victim Witness Coordinator, and Department of Human Services social workers.